12 Feb

How to keep your room clean during the Covid 19?

While the research on the existence of covid 19 is still on, we all must ensure that we are safe in this era. This virus has already taken almost 2 important years of our life, and now this becomes our duty to make this virus out and a healthy lifestyle.

This virus can be spread by human interaction or by even touching the mutual space. So, the most important thing is to clean ourselves inside and out regularly along with our homes. There are very high chances that the virus survives on the surfaces even after hours or maybe days.

Now, cleaning and disinfecting the more touchable spaces at your home needs regular cleaning as this is the most important precaution one can take. Remember to use high-quality cleaning products to ensure that you clean the virus off the surfaces and keep it out of your personal space. Also, always wear a mask and gloves while cleaning your home.

Follow the below-mentioned tips to keep the virus out and hygiene in

Remember to clean regularly the high-touch surfaces which include door handles, tables, chairs, handrails, taps, toilets, switches. These little surfaces have higher chances of getting the virus stuck on. Thus, keep a cleanser with you wherever you go and touch it just wipe the virus off it.

Clean with detergents, soaps, sanitizer, and water- Initially use the soaps, detergents, sanitizer, and after that use a good disinfectant to clean your surfaces. Natural products like vinegar or acid are never recommended. So, avoid their usage as they can be harmful. In various spaces, where it is difficult to use disinfectant use simple soap and water to clean it.

Avoid doing the laundry outside of your house- If you do get your laundry done outside take proper precautions. Always wear disposable gloves while sending or receiving the clothes. Always remember to wash or disinfect your laundry bags or you can use disposable bags to maintain hygiene and safety at your place.

Reduce the contamination of the surfaces- Take little steps to protect your home from contaminated air-borne diseases or viruses. Always remember to wear masks and always asks your visitors to do the same. If a person in the house is sick isolate them and take care of proper hygiene at their place by regularly cleaning and sanitizing their space.

Use common cleaning practices- Even if you wear masks and gloves, it is always advised to wash your hands regularly and your face also with proper soap and handwash.

Winding Up it all

The above-mentioned pointers are some of the very basic precautions and cleaning habits one can inculcate to stay safe and keep their surroundings clean. Remember the cleaner the environment is the safer you are. So, follow our tips to be clean and safe in this Covid 19 era.

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